Thursday, August 6, 2009

Possible Grade School Events

Science Processes and Thinking Skills
A is for Anatomy Map Reading
Barge Building Metric Mastery
Biomass Monster Match
Black Boxes Mystery Boxes
Clay Boats Mystery Liquids
Crime Busters Mystery Powders
Deep Blue Sea No Bones About It
Egg Drop Orienteering
Estimania Pill Bugs
Food for Thought & Energy Reflection Relay
Grab A Gram Sink or Float
Grasp a Graph Starry, Starry Night
Large Number Estimation Treasure Hunt
Leaf & Tree Finder What Went By?
Leaf Bingo Tree Identification Which Way Is North
Making & Using A Key Write It/Do It

Science Concepts and Knowledge
Animal, Vegetable or Mineral Name the Scientist
Boggle Science Password
Categories Pentathlon
Color Wheel Picture This
Crossword Science Pond Study
Density Rock Hound
Don't Bug Me Save Our Earth
Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Say It Again
Extinction Is Forever Scavenger Hunt
Food Web- Food Chains - Owl Pellets Science Bowl
Fossil Find Science Jeopardy
Hangman Science Solid, Liquid, or Gas
How Do You Spell Science? Weather or Not
"Knock, Knock"- "Who's There?" Wildlife Safari
Mary, Mary How Does Your Garden Grow?

Science Application and Technology
Aerodynamics Pastamobile
Bottle Music Picture Perfect
Bridge Building Plastics Detectives
Calculator Contest Propeller Propulsion
Can Race Rocketry
Chopper Challenge Rubber Band Catapult
Circuit Wizardry Science Detectives
Cool It Simple Machines
Disease Detectives Solar Collector
Energy Box Straw Egg Drop
Gunk Straw Tower
Hot Air Balloons Structures
Magnets Super Pulley
Mission Possible Surfing The Net
Mystery Architecture Tennis Ball Catapult
Paddle Boat Construction Using Your Computer
Paper Rockets Water Rockets
Pasta Bridge

Middle School Events

Middle School

Life, Personal,
& Social Science
Anatomy (Skeletal, Circulatory)
Bio-Process Lab
Disease Detectives (Population)
Ecology (Grasslands, Deserts)

Earth & Space Science
Dynamic Planet (Earthquake/Volcanoe)
Meteorology (Climate)
Road Scholar
Solar System

Physical Science
& Chemistry
Can't Judge a Powder
Physical Science Lab
Science Crime Busters
Shock Value

Technology & Engineering
Battery Buggy
Elevated Bridge
Junkyard Challenge
Wright Stuff

Inquiry & Nature of Science
Compute This
Experimental Design
Write It Do It

High School Events

High School

Life, Personal,
& Social Science
Anatomy and Physiology
Cell Biology
Disease Detectives (Population)
Ecology (Grasslands, Deserts)

Earth & Space Science
Dynamic Planet (Earthquake/Volcanoe)
Remote Sensing (Human Impact)

Physical Science
& Chemistry
It’s About Time
Physics Lab
Chem Lab
Environmental Chemistry

Technology & Engineering
Elevated Bridge
Mission Possible
Mouse Trap Vehicle

Inquiry & Nature of Science
Experimental Design
Picture This
Technical Problem Solving
Write It Do It

2010 Basics

Information About 2009-2010
Creative Science Investigators
for home educated
High School & Middle School
(and if enough adult help is available)
Grade School Students
plus activities for younger siblings
Head Coach:
Tammy Parker ~ ~ 517-819-9813

Our emphasis will still be our Middle School & High School teams, but since many of us will have our other children with us, they might as well have fun with science too! Thus, we hope to also have a Grade School team this year that can compete at two competitions. Our main Team Meetings will be second Fridays September through April 6:30pm to 8:30pm with a social time afterward. The competitions are in January, February, and March (with States being in April or May if they make it that far).

Ages for CSI teams?
* Ages/grades are broken into these groups:
8th to 12th graders are HS = High Schoolers (8th and 9th graders can choose HS or MS)
6th to 9th graders are MS = Middle Schoolers (8th and 9th graders can choose HS or MS & 6th grade can choose MS or ASAP)
3rd to 6th graders are ASAP = Awesome Science Adventure People (ASAP & 6th grade can choose MS or ASAP)
Birth to 2nd graders are FYI = Future Young Investigators

What is a Science Olympiad competition?
* Each competition is one day with up to 23 events.
* Each CSI team member will participate in 3 to 4 events at each competition.
* Events range from build & test/race/run... to study and do. Check out:
* Teams receive points from each event entered, based on participation.
* Teams are ranked based on total points from all events.

What is the student’s & family’s commitment?
* prepare and study for a minimum of 3 events per student;
* fundraise or pay the $110 per student participation costs (for 3rd grade and up students);
* attend all Team Meetings (or at least most); and
* help get sponsors to keep financial burdens to a minimum.

How do team members prepare?
Each event will have 2 or more students working together to study and/or build something. Budgeted event costs will be reimbursed with a receipt. Anything over the budgeted amount is the responsibility of the family that purchased it. In Build-It events students find information and materials, with mentoring from their Event Coach, to construct an item. In Study-It events the student, with mentoring from their Event Coach, studies and practices for their event. Combo Events are events that have some prior building or practicing, but the main part is performed at the competition.