Top Ten Myths about Science Olympiad
I have too many other activities to make it to all the meetings...
Making every meeting is highly recommended, but we will work with you if you have other commitments. Most team members have other activities they do as well.
I’m just not a science-y person...
You don’t have to love science to love Science Olympiad. Science Olympiad is more than just a science thing; it is a team sport and a lot of fun.
I don’t have the time for all that extra studying at home...
Not all the events require a lot of studying. Some of them involve almost no studying; you just show up and do something at the competitions. Also, you will have a partner to split the studying that needs to be done.
My parents don’t have time to help me with one more thing, let alone drive me to competitions...
Parents are not required to help with any of the events, although we always welcome parent involvement. Also, most team members carpool to competitions, some even carpool to meetings.
I love competition, but how can science be competitive?...
Science Olympiad is as competitive and as much a team thing as any sport. Just because you are not out on a field or in a court doing something active doesn’t mean there is no competition.
I don’t think I’d find anything to study that interests me...
Science Olympiad is made up of twenty-three different events, covering all sorts of things: forensics - maps - building things - math - anatomy - ecology - computers - astronomy - chemistry - taxonomy (identifying things) - and more. You will be sure to find something that interests you.
Science Olympiad just doesn’t sound fun...
Studying science and going to meetings may not sound fun or even be fun at first, but the friendships you build through out the year are fun. Then, when you go to your first competition everything is really worth it. At the competitions you test in the things you’ve been preparing for the past few months, test out your machines, or watch other people running the machines they’ve been working on. In between test times, you walk around, play cards, snack, or do other fun stuff with your team members. At the end of the day there is an awards ceremony where they present medals, ribbons, and trophies.
Science Olympiad is too expensive...
If Science Olympiad doesn’t fit into you family’s budget, you have the option to ask for sponsors and donations to cover your fees. Ask doctors, dentists, small businesses, and others to sponsor you, with the opportunity of getting their name on the back of the CSI shirts. Also, ask aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, or whomever to help sponsor you.
I wouldn’t get anything out of Science Olympiad...
On the contrary, you learn a lot of stuff that you otherwise wouldn’t learn. Also, you get a CSI shirt, an extra ¼ to ½ science credit per event, plus new friends and great memories.
None of my friends do Science Olympiad...
You will quickly make new friends through Science Olympiad. Before long, you feel like a part of a team and get to know your fellow team members. Also, maybe if you start doing Science Olympiad, your friends will follow!
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