Friday, October 21, 2011

Some other basic information to date...

We have already started and assigned events at the last team meeting, but there are several events still open.

We will attend 3 to 4 competitions on Saturdays in January & February. Last year we had a competition in March, but I do not think that will happen this year. These competitions are all day events. We are just finalizing our schedule and will know more at the Team Meeting.

We meet every-other Thursday from 4:30pm-5:30pm as a team. Our next meeting is 10/27/11.

The students work on their own and/or get with their event partners (if they have one) as needed. They are highly encouraged to seek out a mentor for each event - someone in their family or the community that knows about the topic and is willing to meet with them at least monthly (or sometimes more) to go over the rules and their preparations and knowledge. They have to study and/or build for their events to prepare and this can be several hours a week for some students, yet only a couple hours a week for others - although they get out of it what they put into it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Events Still Available...


We assigned events to students at the last Team Meeting - but we still have a few spots left on the team! To be specific we have 6 Middle school spots and 8 High School spots available. The following events are not fully taken yet:

2012 Division B Events - Middle School
Mouse Trap Vehicle
Compute This
Disease Detectives
Dynamic Planet
Food Science
Microbe Mission
Reach for the Stars
Road Scholar
Rocks and Minerals
Water Quality

2012 Division C Events - High School
Robot Arm
Gravity Vehicle
Sounds of Music
Disease Detectives
Chem Lab
Protein Modeling
Fermi Questions
Technical Problem Solving
Remote Sensing

If you have a student or students interested in joining or would like more information, please email at ASAP.


Coach Tammy Parker
Creatie Science Investigators


B = Middle School
C = High School
B/C = Both Levels

Anatomy (B) - Teams will be tested on their knowledge of anatomy and health concepts including respiratory and digestive systems.

Anatomy & Physiology (C) - This event encompasses the anatomy and physiology of selected body systems, this year limited to respiratory, excretory and digestive systems.

Astronomy (C) - Teams will demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of math and physics relating to stellar evolution and type Ia supernovas.

Awesome Aquifers (B) - Students will construct an aquifer and answer questions about groundwater concepts - includes a presentation.

Bottle Rocket (B) - Prior to the tournament, teams construct two rockets designed to stay aloft for the greatest amount of time.

Chemistry Lab (C) - Teams will demonstrate chemistry laboratory skills related to selected topics.

Compute This (B) - Teams will be presented with a problem which requires quantitative data capture from the Internet and the presentation of data in a graphical format. The 2012 domain is

Crime Busters (B) - Teams will identify the perpetrators of a crime or crimes by using paper chromatography and analysis of unknown solids, liquids, and plastics found at the scene of a crime.

Disease Detective (B/C) - This event requires students to apply principles of epidemiology to a published report of a real-life health situation or problem. (Food Borne Illness)

Dynamic Planet (B/C) - Teams will work at stations that display a variety of earth science materials and related earth science questions. (Earth's Fresh Waters)

Experimental Design (B/C) - Given a set of unknown objects, teams will design, conduct, analyze and write-up an experiment.

Fermi Questions (C) - A Fermi Question is a science related question that seeks a fast, rough estimate of a quantity which is difficult or impossible to measure directly. Answers will be estimated within an order of magnitude recorded in powers of 10.

Food Science (B) - Using their understanding of the chemistry and physical properties of baking ingredients, teams will answer questions at a series of stations.

Forensics (C) - Students will identify polymers, solids, fibers, and other materials in a crime scenario.

Forestry (B/C) - This event will test student knowledge of North American trees that are on the Official National Tree List.

Gravity Vehicle (C) - Teams design, build and test one vehicle and ramp that uses gravitational potential energy as the vehicle's sole means of propulsion to reach a Target Point as quickly, as accurately and as close to their predicted time as possible.

Helicopters (C) - Students will construct and test free flight rubber-powered helicopters prior to the tournament to achieve maximum flight times.

Keep the Heat (B) - Teams must construct an insulated device prior to the tournament that is designed to retain heat. Students must also complete a written test on thermodynamic concepts.

Meteorology (B) - This event involves the use of process skills as applied to meteorology (Climate).

Microbe Mission (B/C) - Teams will answer questions, solve problems and analyze data pertaining to microbes.

Mission Possible (B)- Prior to the competition, participants will design, build, test and document a "Rube Goldberg-like device" that completes a required Final Task using a sequence of consecutive tasks.

Mousetrap Vehicle (B) - Teams will design, build and test a vehicle using one mousetrap as the sole means of propulsion to reach a target as quickly, accurately and close to their predicted time as possible.

Optics (B/C) - Teams compete in activities and answer questions related to geometric and physical optics.

Protein Modeling (C) - Students will use computer visualization and online resources to guide them in constructing physical models of proteins and in understanding how the structure of the protein determines the function. For 2012, students will model proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis as they explore the discovery and treatment of a rare (one in a billion) genetic trait discovered through genome sequencing.

Reach for the Stars (B) - Students will demonstrate an understanding and basic knowledge of the properties and evolution of stars, open clusters and globular clusters, and normal and star-forming galaxies.

Remote Sensing (C) - Teams use remote sensing imagery, science and math process skills to complete tasks related to an understanding of Earth's Hydrosphere.

Road Scholar (B) - Requires the accurate interpretation and understanding of various map features using a variety of road and topographic maps.

Robot Arm (C) - Prior to the competition teams must design, build, document and test one robotic device to move scored items.

Rocks and Minerals (B/C) - Teams will demonstrate their knowledge of rocks and minerals.

Sounds of Music (C) - Prior to the competition, students will build two different instruments of any type based on a 12 tone tempered scale, prepare to describe the principles behind their operation and be able to perform a major scale, a required melody and a chosen melody with each.

Storm the Castle (B) - Prior to the tournament, teams design, construct and calibrate a device that uses only the energy of a falling counterweight to launch a projectile as far and as accurately as possible.

Technical Problem Solving (C) - Teams will gather and process data to solve problems.

Thermodynamics (C) - Teams must construct an insulated device prior to the tournament that is designed to retain heat. Teams must also complete a written test on thermodynamic concepts.

Towers (B/C) - Team members design and build the most efficient tower.

Water Quality (B/C) - The event will focus on evaluating aquatic environments.

Write It/Do It (B/C) - A technical writing exercise where students write a description of a contraption and other students will attempt to recreate it using only the written description.

Friday, August 5, 2011

2011-2012 Season

Information About Our Greater Lansing Area 2011-2012
Science Olympiad Team
Creative Science Investigators
for home educated
High School & Middle School

Head Coach:
Tammy Parker ~ ~ 517-819-9813

Our schedule will run from September until the competitions end.
If you would like more information email the Head Coach.
The competitions are in 2012 ~ January, February, and March
(with States in April or May if they qualify).

High School Credit?
* Each family handles this differently - guideline 1/4 - 1/2 credit for each event studied.

Ages for CSI teams?
* Ages/grades are broken into these groups: (8th and 9th graders can choose HS or MS)
9th to 12th graders are are Level C = HS = High Schoolers
6th to 9th graders are are Level B = MS = Middle Schoolers

What is a Science Olympiad competition?
* Each competition is one day with up to 23 events.
* Each CSI team member will participate in 3 to 4 events at each competition.
* Events range from build & test/race/run... to study and do. Check out:
* Teams receive points from each event entered, based on participation.
* Teams are ranked based on total points from all events.

What is the student’s commitment?
prepare and study for a minimum of 3 events per student;
compete in 4 Saturday tournaments;
* fundraise or pay the $95 per student participation costs ($20 up front)
* attend all weekly Team Meetings held on Thursday afternoons (or at least most);
help get sponsors to keep financial burdens to a minimum; and
help find Event Coaches (not required to find, but the more Event Coaches, the better the team).

Where and when are the Team Meetings?
Team Meetings will be held bi-weekly on alternating Thursdays
at Coach Parker's home (call or email for directions)
from 4:30pm to 5:30pm

How do team members prepare?
Each event will have 2 or more students working together to study and/or build something. Budgeted event costs will be reimbursed with a receipt. Anything over the budgeted amount is the responsibility of the family that purchased it.
In Build-It events students find information and materials, with mentoring from their Event Coach, to construct an item.
In Study-It events the student, with mentoring from their Event Coach, studies and practices for their event.
Combo Events are events that have some prior building or practicing, but the main part is performed at the competition.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The events are up for the 2011/2012 Science Olympiad season. Click on the above image to see a bigger version.

If you want a pdf of it check out the link on:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2011-2012 Season

Information About Our Greater Lansing Area 2012-2012
Science Olympiad Team
Creative Science Investigators
for home educated
High School & Middle School
Head Coach:
Tammy Parker ~ ~ 517-819-9813
Our schedule will run from September until the competitions end.
If you would like more information email the Head Coach.
The competitions are in 2012 ~ January, February, and March
(with States in April or May if they qualify).

High School Credit?
* Each family handles this differently - guideline 1/4 - 1/2 credit for each event studied.

Ages for CSI teams?
* Ages/grades are broken into these groups: (8th and 9th graders can choose HS or MS)
9th to 12th graders are are Level C = HS = High Schoolers
6th to 9th graders are are Level B = MS = Middle Schoolers

What is a Science Olympiad competition?
* Each competition is one day with up to 23 events.
* Each CSI team member will participate in 3 to 4 events at each competition.
* Events range from build & test/race/run... to study and do. Check out:
* Teams receive points from each event entered, based on participation.
* Teams are ranked based on total points from all events.

What is the student’s & family’s commitment?
* prepare and study for a minimum of 3 events per student;
* fundraise or pay the $95 per student participation costs ($20 up front)
* attend all Team Meetings (or at least most); and
* help get sponsors to keep financial burdens to a minimum.

How do team members prepare?
Each event will have 2 or more students working together to study and/or build something. Budgeted event costs will be reimbursed with a receipt. Anything over the budgeted amount is the responsibility of the family that purchased it.
In Build-It events students find information and materials, with mentoring from their Event Coach, to construct an item.
In Study-It events the student, with mentoring from their Event Coach, studies and practices for their event.
Combo Events are events that have some prior building or practicing, but the main part is performed at the competition.