Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Come on Wednesday...

First EVENT PREP meeting 
Wednesday 9/11/15 at 3:45pm
Pine Meadows Academy

The topics are:
Back Dating
Binder Set-up
Event Splits

This is optional, but encouraged.

Friday, November 6, 2015

1st Team Meeting of the 2015-2016 season a GREAT success!

We had a GREAT night kicking off our 2015-2016 Science Olympiad year, filling 7 spots on the Middle School team and 10 on the High School team (and possibly 3 more than that).

This just leaves a few spots remaining to be filled on each team!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

THIS Friday!!!! Come check it out!

Please bring a friend!
Let’s fill both the Middle School and the High School teams this year!!!

Friday ~ November 6th, 2015 ~ 6:30pm
 Pine Meadows Academy
(aka Coach Parker’s Home)
11406 East Wilbur Highway
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
10 Minutes South of Lansing, MI

Also, note that you and your family
are welcome to “hang out”
after the Team Meetings
for a “Fun Friday” informal social time.

Our full schedule is listed:
Click here for calendar!

Live life to the fullest,
Coach Tammy Parker
(texting is okay too)