Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Calendar Updates...

We are canceling the meeting for this week.  Too many people have conflicts, including my family.  Our next Team Meeting is Thursday, October 24th @ 4pm @ the Wagenmaker's Home. 

The Regional date has been set for Saturday, March 15th, 2014.  It will be at Lansing Community College (as it always has been).  I have updated calendar on the blog.

Contact your event partner(s) and get with them if possible over the next two weeks
(either, by phone or in person).  Splitting up the events between event partners should be done before the next meeting.  I want to see highlighted rule books showing who is covering what (if you have an event partner). If that makes no sense to you, that is okay... just ask someone (even me if necessary).

We still have spots on both teams... so if you want to build friendships, have fun, and learn something new.... contact me!


Coach Tammy Parker
Creative Science Investigators
517-819-9813 (texting is okay too)

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