Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Come prepared....

Hello Team,

BRING A FRIEND or TWO Friday Night!!!!

We are going to assign events through group discussion at the meeting, so pray about your.... Yeah, Yes, No, and Yucks for the events, based on the list that applies to you (i.e. High School or Middle School). The two lists are posted. Remember... 8th and 9th graders can pick either team. I posted both lists, and then a list with the short descriptions.

PRINT the correct list for (one for each student)
each student puts ONE of these four words to the right of the event name: Yeah, Yes, No, and Yuck
BRING the list with you!!!!

I look forward to seeing all of you again.

Also, in case you haven't noticed... this year will be run VERY differently than past years. We are meeting as a whole team ONLY on the 2nd Friday of each month, at each applicable Invitational, and at Regionals.

It is YOUR responsibility to BE PROACTIVE and:
study and prepare for your events
get with your event partners
schedule locations to test build-its (if applicable)
get help for each of your events from knowledgeable people (seek them out)
purchase what you need for your event (you are only reimbursed up to the budgeted amount for that event)
know your budgeted amounts for your events and get reimbursed as allowed

I am the only Head Coach. I WILL NEED PARENT HELP. Also, despite our family cutting back on outside scholastic activities, my schedule is already filled with business (we have started several "family" businesses since I have seen most of you) and "normal" school items. Thus, my time for coaching is minimal. At first I considered not having a team, but that's no, if students really want to succeed - it really needs to come from them... or should I say YOU!!!!


As far as parents, these jobs are ESSENTlAL:
Event Proctors (we will need one each for 6 Invitationals)
Test Writers/ Event Prep (we will need one each for 6 Invitationals)
Librarian (to be done on Friday meeting nights)
Food Coordination (Sheila Robbe has already claimed this one)
Ride Coordination (by email, to make sure everyone has a ride)
Yahoo! Moderator (uploading files and keeping the calendar accurate)
T-Shirt Coordination (designing back, ordering, and disbursing T-Shirts)
Treasurer (collecting and disbursing funds and keeping track of all the financial stuff)
Secretary (coordinating, filing, and sending paperwork)

As far as parents, these jobs are VERY helpful, but not required:
Food Coordination (Sheila Robbe has already claimed this one)
Ride Coordination (by email, to make sure everyone has a ride)
Yahoo! Moderator (uploading files and keeping the calendar accurate)
Event Category Coaches (helpful for students to have a point person fro questions/tests/info/etc.)


Coach Parker

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